Hospital Network
The network here acts up on us like it's its job, which I suppose is true, but it gets really frustrating at times. Things break every day; they don't work in one office, but work in the other; cables and outlets break and get chewed up by rats; entire parts of the hospital get disconnected from the servers; cockroaches that live in power supplies get melted etc. That's in addition to 4-5 power outages a day, while there's not enough UPSs for as much as a quarter of the equipment, and most of them have pretty old batteries. When for some reason the network works properly, the issues with the satellite equipment come in, such as water in the dish motor, or simply bad signal for numerous possible reasons. We are obviously not having enough fun with all this, so we put good old cal9000 printer on the network. Since BUTTERS on Computer24 is less reliable, cal9000 is now our default...
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